I have tried hard to avoid certain legal issues and personal attacks against others who had differing opinions in the political arena. But this is obviously a political maneuver and not a legal one. It seems the judge in the Federal ESA lawsuit concerning the staus of trapping in Maine involving the accident catches of the Canadian Lynx in Maine. Has already made up his mind. Without having read anything in court, or having heard any testimony. How can either party in this case feel that this trial will be fair in any way under these cicumstances. He has alrady shown that he is anything but impartial. This ethical breech can not go unchallenged.

For a fuller version of this story and to read it for yourself…….. go to : http://mainehuntingtoday.com/bbb/2007/09/30/has-judge-already-made-up-his-mind-in-maine-lynx-trapping-case/#comment-31688

Be warned if you don’t fight to protect the Constitution and it’s Freedoms. You will see the fade from your memory in the face of teranny. We cannot stand by and allow the bench to rule without “impartialty”. If we allow this favoritism to percevere we give up the right to be able to stop it later. It’s simple..turn off the lights and you are sitting in the dark.